Kim needs...
I found this on someone's blog (Frabjous Days) and thought it was really cute. What you do is basically type your name followed by "needs"into Google and see the results. I took the first 10 from mine:
1. Kim Needs to Take Off the Gloves
but my hands get really cold!
2. Kim needs some Guinea pigs
...true, I guess
3. Kim Needs to Talk
Well if THAT one isn't true!
4. Kim needs to shut up
I thought I needed to talk! I'm so confused!!
5. Kim Needs Some Hints
For life or The Phantom Hourglass?
6. Kim needs to focus on her kid
well, I would if I had one!
7. Kim needs a stylist
but I liked the poofed up bang look!
8. Kim needs to be thanked
For getting rid of the poofed up bang look?
9. Kim needs to get over it
10. Kim Needs Your Attention
I'm done! :-)
Labels: Awesomeness, Ramblings
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