I Shutter to Think
"The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it." ~Ansel Adams
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Spring - Theme Thursday
It's felt like spring a couple of days this past month. Yesterday was one of them. In honor of the coming months, look what I went out and bought:
They're called "shorts". I also got the blue shirt that's on top of the shorts, and it's a kind of shirt called "sleeve-less".
Like my ridiculously pink and blue bathroom? Sorry for the non-glamor shot, but I'm not like that!
Labels: Theme Thursday
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Did you hear..
Did you hear? Did you hear? Did you hear?
The season finale of LOST is going to be 3 HOURS LONG??
But it's not going to be three consecutive hours, they're splitting it up (one hour one week, then two hours the next)...so in actuality, I'm considering it only 2 hours long.
Labels: LOST
Monday, April 14, 2008
Following the crowd
I realize there's a slew of spring pictures around these days, and as much as I was refusing to post one, I just love tree buds....
So I'm one of the crowd again. :-) I really don't try to be and I never was a "cool" kid in school. Yet somehow, I seem to do what everyone else is doing. Well, maybe I do or maybe I don't. I'm rambling this morning, don't mind me....
Labels: Best Shot Monday, Ramblings
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Perfection - Theme Thursday
This theme can be taken in a number of ways. Here's my interpretation.
My old cat's name was Pishoes. (Pronounced Pea-shoes). He was a white Persian. I never knew that cats could have favorite things, but Pishoes' favorite time of year was Christmas. When we put the tree up, he would immediately spend all day and night sleeping under it. He never touched any ornaments. Sometimes he would get shocked by the 20 year old tinsel hanging off it (my mom recycled it, for at LEAST 20 years). He felt he was safe. Our tree is set up in the corner of the living room, and when he was under it, nobody could sneak up on him from behind or the sides. If someone was coming, it would be from the front.
He would live in bliss until a few days before Christmas, and then the presents would start appearing. We would always leave his spot and a path to get there open. Then we would be forced to cover the path, because there would be too many presents (we go WAY out for Christmas)! :-) Regardless, he would always find a way, and find a spot to lay in, under the tree.
This picture represents Pishoes' perfect place. His bliss. This was after all the presents were gone, when he was able to stretch out and have his tree back.

Find more Perfection at:

Labels: Theme Thursday
Saturday, April 5, 2008

I took this picture a couple of years ago, while I still working at Hallmark. My friend had a friend, who's birthday was sometime in April. She wanted to surprise him with his car all decorated with balloons and stuff . So on this birthday, she had him come to the store, and they went out for coffee. It was then up to me, to go into his car, (she had given me his extra key, which he had given her) filled the car with balloons and streamers, and even did the outside, with a huge banner that she had made.
I took pictures of him discovering the car (which he was pissed at, originally "you gave Kim my key??")) :-) Anyway, one of the pictures came out really cool. I was trying to take a picture of the inside of his car, but it caught the reflection of the open door and my co-conspirator.
Labels: PhotoHunt
Friday, April 4, 2008
Skipper Found in Closet
April 4, 2008
Northshore, MA
At approximately 1:32 this morning, there was a disturbance in the boxes of Cellarton. Upon investigation, it was found that a domestic occurrence resulted in a decapitation.
The boyfriend of the victim, Kevin, was unavailable for comment.
Labels: WTF?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Style - Theme Thursday
I’ve worked at a Kiddie Kandids for 3 years now. While I love some of the posed looks, a lot of the time I’ll try to play with the kid(s) first and get a rapport with them. Then I’ll get some “traditional” shots
Caitlyn & Mommy, 3 months
The drawbacks of doing this are:
- it takes too much time, especially when we’re busy.
- we can only send over 6 pictures! That’s 6 individual poses. Not 8, 16 or 24 pictures, 6!
- I can only spend a total of 20 minutes per sitting. By the time you get to know the kid and what they’re like, the 20 minutes is done.
I think posed shot are good until the kid is 1. Caitlyn's 1 year picture
After that they don’t want to sit still, and once they are mature enough to sit still, the parents have drilled the “say cheese!” phrase into their mind. You’ll either get the horrible fake cheese smile,
Me not wanting my picture taken
“I’m not gonna smile for you” faces. Then of course the parents get frustrated with the kid, the kid senses it and starts crying and it just isn’t fun anymore.
I still love my job though! I love trying to get that wonderful shot of that real smile.
Michael LOVES his trains!
And make real memories (cue sappy music now).
On the other hand, I also am the self-proclaimed “Sneaky photographer”. I swear I didn't pose him! He honestly turned and smiled. That's why it's not in focus!
When I’m not at work, I don’t force people to look at the camera and “say cheese”. I try to get real smiles,
My brother, Timmy & Caitlyn (his niece and goddaughter)
natural expressions and feelings that capture the moment.
I think these are the ones I will eventually put on my wall. Along with the traditional sitting baby pose that I won’t let die!
I’m sure when I have kids (of course I’m thinking this NOW, who knows what I’ll think then) I will try to get some posed baby shots of them. I'll take way too many at home, get some good ones, go to Kiddie Kandids and get the traditional pictures and be happy.
I'm sure you know this, but you can click on any picture to make it bigger
See more style at

Labels: Theme Thursday
Wednesday, April 2, 2008